2023 speakers

Annie Coppel, associate director, NICE

Annie Coppel is an associate director at NICE. A clinically qualified professional, she is passionate about improving the quality of health and care through the implementation of evidence-based guidance. She has over 30 years’ experience of health and care sectors at a national, regional and local level. In her current role in the NICE field team, Annie draws on her extensive experience of implementation science, evidence-based practice, change management and of leading service and quality improvement to support the health and care system in the North of England make optimal use of NICE guidance. Prior to joining NICE in 2006, she was a director of the National Prescribing Centre responsible for programmes producing evidence-based advice on new medicines and clinical therapeutics management; and a pharmaceutical adviser to a health economy responsible for developing initiatives to secure evidence-based general practice prescribing and managing the introduction of new medicines