About NICE

What is NICE?

NICE helps practitioners and commissioners get the best care to people, fast, while ensuring value for the taxpayer.

We do this by:

  • producing useful and usable guidance for health and care practitioners
  • providing rigorous, independent assessment of complex evidence for new health technologies
  • developing recommendations that focus on what matters most and drive innovation into the hands of health and care practitioners
  • encouraging the uptake of best practice to improve outcomes for everyone.

What are NICE’s priorities?

NICE is a world-class organisation based on independence, transparency and rigour – and that remains our foundation. However, the world around us is changing and requires us to transform in 3 ways to help practitioners and commissioners get the best care to patients fast and ensure value for the taxpayer. 

Our priority is to: 

1. Focus on what matters most 

  • prioritising advice based on system intelligence 
  • developing innovative methods to ensure our decisions reflect what matters most to society, and the system. 

2. Create useful and useable advice 

  • providing streamlined, proportionate advice 
  • delivering a single integrated product, tailored by audience. 

3. Being part of a system that constantly learns from data and Implementation 

  • interlinking with the system 
  • using real world data 
  • building local and international partnerships.