
Sharmila Nebhrajani OBE
Chairman, NICE
Dr Sam Roberts
Chief executive, NICE
Richard Vize
Journalist and public policy analyst and NICE Conference 2025 chair
Prof Matthew Ashton
Director of public health, Liverpool City Council, honorary professor, Department of Public Health and Policy, University of Liverpool
Steve Bates OBE
Chief executive officer, BioIndustry Association
Prof Jonathan Benger CBE
Chief medical officer, deputy chief executive, NICE
Paul Catchpole
Director of value and access policy, ABPI
Mark Chapman
Director of HealthTech, NICE
Prof Dalia Dawoud
Associate director (research), science, policy and research programme, NICE
Prof Kevin Fenton CBE PhD PrFPH FRCP FFSRH (Hon)
President of the Faculty of Public Health
Dr Pall Jonsson
Programme director for data and real-world evidence, NICE
Helen Knight
Director of medicines evaluation, NICE
Louise Knowles
Deputy director, innovation accelerator and regulatory science, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Dr Xiaoxuan Liu
Associate professor in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health, University of Birmingham
Dr Clare Morgan
Director of impact and partnerships, NICE
Mark Rasburn
Senior public involvement adviser, NICE
Gila Sacks
Director of medicines, Department for Health and Social Care
Chris Sampson
Senior principal economist, Office of Health Economics
Luella Trickett
Executive director, medical devices, value and access, Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI)
Chris Sampson
Senior principal economist, Office of Health Economics
Jeanette Kusel
Director, NICE Advice, NICE