2023 speakers

Kelly Broad, deputy chief pharmacist, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Intergrated Care Board

Kelly Broad is the Deputy Chief Pharmacist for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board, leading on transformation and pharmacy integration. She is the Chair of the System Medicines Value Programme, linked to Regional Productivity Workstreams.  

Kelly is a NICE Medicines and Prescribing Associate, leading on local implementation of guidance to support high quality, safe, cost-effective prescribing, and medicines optimisation, to address unwarranted variation and reduce health inequalities. She is also an active member of the Priorities Advisory Committee for the East of England.  

She has been involved in several system projects which have been commended nationally for their outcomes including the leading the first ‘System Wide, Out of Stock Medicines Shortage Group’, and ‘Make Emollients Safe Campaign’, in conjunction with Anglia Ruskin University and Cambridgeshire Fire Service.  

Clinical interests include cardiovascular disease prevention, medicines safety including optimisation of deprescribing, and self-care