2023 speakers

Hugh Montgomery, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London;  Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change

Hugh obtained a 1st class BSc (Cardioresp Physiol/Neuropharmacology) in 1984, his Medical Degree in 1987, & MDRes in 1997. He works as a consultant Intensivist in London & is Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at UCL where he also directs the Centre for Human Health & Performance. He’s published nearly 600 scientific research articles & has won >8 (inter)national awards.   

Hugh co-chaired the two Lancet Commissions on Human Health & Climate Change, & now the 5-year, 42-country Lancet Countdown on Health & Climate Change. He’s written & lectured extensively on the subject; has briefed policymakers (inter)nationally; & co-leads the UCL MSc module on climate & health.  He was appointed London Leader by Greater London Authority’s Sustainable Development Commission; has attended many of the international ‘COP’ negotiations; leads the children’s climate education ‘Project Genie’; co-led the ITV documentary on Floods and Climate Change (2020); and founded the non-profit ‘Real Zero’. to help deliver action  He was awarded the OBE in 2022 in part for his work on climate change and health.