Paul Catchpole, director of value and access policy, The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Paul has worked in the healthcare, local government and pharmaceutical sectors for over 30 years. He began his career in the NHS as a researcher and then held a number of management posts before working on a wide range of UK and international management consultancy assignments at PricewaterhouseCoopers. After moving to Roche, he led work on national reimbursement of medicines, health economics, strategic pricing and market access.
Paul’s policy work at the ABPI over the last 10 years includes all aspects of medicines evaluation, health technology assessment, pricing and reimbursement, market access, the Cancer Drugs Fund, the Innovative Medicines Fund, biosimilar medicines, the early access to medicines scheme, the Innovate Licencing and Access Pathway and the Accelerated Access Collaborative. He has led the work on shaping and evolving value, access and uptake policy for the pharmaceutical industry in the UK across the last four voluntary scheme negotiations, including the current voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access.
He has a PhD in healthcare information systems and is a member of the British Computer Society and a chartered information technology professional.